Thursday, January 18, 2007

Crazy Man With Sign Wants to Go to Austrulia

I want to come to the land of down under. I want to come to a country that was founded by outcasts. This blog is dedicated to all of you Australians that have been reading my blog. Hopefully all of this STA craziness will be sorted out soon. For those of you who don't know STA travel used me in a huge ad campaign in Australia to get Australian college age kids to come to NYC in hopes that they would find "A jewish cat named Kurzweil who will freestyle rap for cash", but more specifically a 6 foot 7 inch jewish cat named Kurzweil. Well I said it once and I will say it again "Fair is Fair". You guys got to come to New York CIty and now I want to come to Australia. I want to see Kangaroos and Koala bears and come to a land where women are not overly impressed by an Australian accent. Yet, I still need help from all of you amazing Aussies especially all of the Koala bears and Kangaroos and maybe even Crocidile Dundee if he is not doing anything. Please make sure STA travel does what is right and helps an endangered species come to the wild habitat of Australia.

There are not many 6 foot 7 inch freestyle rapping, chi-gong healing jews that are running for president of the United States. Come to think of it I may be the only one left. Help me to help you protect this precious and obscure endangered species list. Maybe I might even get dual citiizenship.

News Bulletin: STA travel has made an intial offer of $250 travel voucher which seems a little less then what one receives for a national ad campaign. Maybe STA travel is trying to keep a tall jew down, but you can't keep a tall jew down just ask around. Everybody tell STA travel "fair is fair" and I don't believe that a $250 travel voucher is fair for a national ad campaign in which I never signed any contract.
Sincerely President Te'DeVan Kurzweil

1 comment:

oxymoronic said...

what's with the australia lately????

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