Wednesday, April 04, 2007

You Wanna Know about India Look Into My Eyes

I have quite a few friends that want me to tell them what India was like? I simply can't do it justice but India is certainly in my eyes. When I look in the mirror I can see that they are more Indian. This might sound crazy to some, but certainly not the most radical statement that I have ever made. The cultural shock and weather change have been minimal. I feel that I have alot of work to do and I am more focused on God and trusting. I can expect other people trust more if I won't do the same. I missed all of you guys and now most of us or only at most a mere 3,000 miles apart. We are basically right next door if you are on the east coast. My perspectives were greatly shifted on quite a few things and I just am more focused on making the highest choice that I can make in any given moment.

I am not the same man that left a year and half ago (month and half on linear time). I saw so many things and I am still taking it all in, but the Guru rules India. Whether false or real it is still the Guru who rules rather then the dollar. India is the land of heart and even the con men will have alot of heart or no heart. People in India are one extreme or another nobody seems to be sitting on the fence. I am waking up more to my higher calling and letting Ganesha to take care of the rest. I am making choices faster with less hesitation. I am waking up to life in a land that is reawakening as well. There is a middle path between East and West and it will be found and we will both be victorious as a result. This is a year to bring people together despite differences. I have come to understand more how we are the same. All of us searching for something that feels right something that feels good something that feels good in our heart.

Sending all my love to the people I met in India and look forward to seeing all of my friends spread out throughout the country. In the silence when looking into my eyes you will learn more about India then any of the words I write in my blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

welcome back to this side of the world...we'll be bumpin into eachother soon

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