Monday, October 16, 2006

My VP was Seconded By A Cat

Luna the Cat (don't ask) has given Smiley an endorsement as the best possible VP candidate available for my upcoming presidential election. Some of you that don't know Smiley or Luna may have their doubts, but if you knew them you still might have your doubts. I have the utmost faith in Smiley despite problems with the "sauce" and other pharmactical products which remain mere speculation by people who are intent in hindering the rolling tidal wave. Ultimately I don't give a fuck about what the media, critics have to say about my VP (who may or may not exist). He is going to rock this country and help me to court voters who happen to hate hippies ( I still don't view myself as a hippie despite any overwhelming evidence to the contrary). Ultimately he has a lot of heart, passion, and moxy to roll on the this traveling circus.

It might be dangerous and he might end up getting killed (please don't tell him that though), but he will have to save this country even though he doesn't want to. He was content for a while spinning the ferris wheel at Fantasy Island and being a lifeguard (that's right he saves/protects lives). I am not sure if he is real, but if I put him on television I will be much more convinced that he actually exists and this will help my sanity. So maybe I selected as a VP to assist my own sanity and maybe I selected him because he is really good at selling t-shirts and maybe I selected because he was the only person insane enough to hold the position. I have faith in this man and he has some ideas he has a lot of ideas some of which may turn out to be very dangerous, but still they seem really interesting.

He is also capable of being involved in more scandals then myself which will help to take some of the heat off of me assuming he actually exists and it is not my pseudo creation of Tyler Dirden. Te'Devan & Smiley 2008 Te'DeVan & Smiley 2008 Te'DeVan & Smiley 2008. God Bless America!!!!! God Bless America!!!!!!!

1 comment:

one L said...

my first cat's name was luna.

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