Friday, July 10, 2009

Seriously--I Need An Editor

(Re-publication 11-13-09 post-edit)

I was just looking over my last blog and there are things I meant to say and words that get dropped and then the meaning gets changed which is kind of funny. And this points to the imperfection of the English word. The best I can do is try to emit a feeling or emotion thru this medium and let loose the flood of my unconsciousness and somehow in the process help people in their process to do the same.
We play the same games all life getting the same results waiting for all of that to change, but we are never willing to put it all on the line and be that change ourselves.
We all need to take a huge leap of faith into the unknown and allow ourselves to peel away the layers and leave ourselves open and vulnerable and just be in this moment and hold that space to the stillness and watch the system crack apart around us.

We say too much for which we don't actually intend to follow thru. We are at a point where the earth is giving us warning signs to awaken to whom we are. Otherwise there won't be much of a world left to awaken to for ourselves and future generations. The choices that we make right now to awaken determines so much for so many. Finding our inner grace has not been so readily available in a long time.
So Maybe you want to delve inside of your own oyster which is you and allow that pearl to reveal itself to the whole world. Here we are just waiting for the facade to fully crack apart and for all of us to be honest with ourselves and then we can start to be honest with our friends, family, and people that we call strangers. Truthfully most of us have been strangers to ourselves for a long time. A long time or a short time and eventually there is no time and we can see that there is no separation except what we perceive in the mind. Let the suffering stop and let the healing happen and may the grace heal us all.


Unknown said...

This is Elizabeth again. My boss offered me a position managing this new location we're opening. Not a bad job, but do I really want to be a restaurant manager? I wouldn't mind being an editor though. I used to be a copy editor and I was really good at it. Shoot me an email when you get the chance.

Te'DeVan said...

Hey Elizabeth don't have your e-mail but hit me back for sure if you read this. I am in Boston right now following around Amma.

Unknown said...

Nathaniel Katzman said...

hey, my name's nathaniel katzman I'm directing a self funded super low budget feature film this summer and wrote in a scene where I would love it if you could play yourself. Let me know if you will be in new york in the next week or two. I'd love to talk about the possibility of filming with you for an afternoon/evening.

Lauralee Beth Torchia Provenzo said...

Hey slacker prophet! You need to come back and do another post. What you say is so interesting. Where have you gone?

Harry J. said...

We met at Rothbury and while walking together, briefly, you said something about 'friendship' that I have been trying to remember since. Though you may or may not remember what came to you then--your name came to me last night and today, I found you (via internet). -Francesca

Mike said...

Hello Slacker Prophet,

If you are still in need of an editor, I am available. I am available for free as time permits me to review your blog. I write as a hobby for free anyway, and I also learn by reading what others write. I am a bit strict on matters of spelling, grammar, rhetoric, and composition. I do understand how to leave your meaning and content, and leave it in legal English if you will allow. I can keep your intent, but it will be in legal English.
My qualifications? I can send you my own essays, poems, and such for review if you wish.
Please email me if you wish to discuss details and the topic further.


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