Sunday, August 27, 2006

Okay The Middle East Has Looked Better

Okay I am not an expert on foreign policy by any stretch of the imagination, but I know that there will be more turblence ahead and more violence, but eventually this will all come to an end. The worlds dependency on oil has made this situation worse because the world supplies these countries weapons which certainly causes more problems.

It seems at times that when looking at the situation that everyone there seems to dislike everyone else, but this will all change in about 8 years. Why 8 years you ask I am not actually sure I just think 8 seems like a pretty magic number. And what we need in the middle east is a whole lot of magic. And by magic I mean the ability to make everyone forget all the previous fighting and start with a blank slate. How can this happen you ask? Love which also includes sex that is so amazing that people can't remember how to load a gun much less have the motivation to fire it. If we loved more and part of love is taking your time during sex then there would be less time for war. It is really true when they say make love not war. So simpe but so true I would rather be making love then going to war any day of the week. We need to improve the world's love lifes. Though I joke I am also somewhat serious.

If people loved to garden more or loved to play sports more or loved to write more there would simply be less time for war and less time for oil consumption. Now I can be certain but I think there is some odd correlation between oil consumption and the intensity of war in the middle east. Perhaps if this country and other countries relied more on other forms of energy perhaps it would help to diffuse the middle east and perhaps in 8 years or less that will become the case.

Things in the world were once peaceuful and they shall become that way again even in the turblent middle east, especially in the middle east.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Its ALL Happening

Anyone out there feeling the earth shifting? because I swear we are in the midst of swing that I can't even begin to get at in words. I feel my ability to heal and sense things before they happen is becoming much stronger. As any one of us evolves it makes easier for other people to do the same. The rolling ball of evolution was dropped a long time ago and now we are approaching critical mass. More and more I find myself nsync with things going on around me. I am resisting less and less and it is helping me fly further and further. Your awakening is also my awakening and soon many of us will come together in ways unimagined and there will be a whole lot of shaking going on.

Recently I have noticed more and more people from foreign countries are reading this blog and I realize that what I am saying is getting out into the world. Even if it causes just the smallest glimpse of inward introspection it means that we as species are getting closer to realizing a more peaceful existence. I am not an astrologer, but I can feel a shift similar to the feeling when you realize that the team that is up by 20 points is going to end up losing the game. THe tide is turning and I see a fleet of vegetable oil buses going around this country and bringing about rapid changes. The people are ready to grow and nothing can stand in their way.

I will be everywhere and anywhere spreading this message of our interconnectedness, but it is something that must be internalized not intellectualized in order for lasting change to form. Take a moment right now and do something that makes you more aware of something around you that you had previously never given thought to. Think of the process involved in making your computer work or turning your light on. These are all things that are very intricate and by themselves seem to accomplish very little until the moment the light comes on. The light is about to come on my friends and once it comes on it can never be turned off in any way shape or form.

I send my love to all of you who are reading this and using this to become more enmeshed in the moment your in. Use your ability to create and just let things unfold accordingly.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Give Me A Prophecy

And I'll give you a prophet. It happened and you know it; stop kidding yourself there is a reason that you can't sleep. You woke up and with it we all woke up. It was your dream and then you became a part of the dream. Miracle pranksters, here we come because we were born for a prophecy just like we were told, but they twisted it and now in the moment of clarity it has become untwisted and we all just pause.

Sure I go to extremes and somewhere in between I find a balance and free falling that Tom Petty would envy. Into the great wide open there is a truth and you need to stare it straight in the face and laugh, cry, scream, and just stop. Fuck and forget what they said because they said it out of fear. Dream bigger then anyone accepts as plausible and never stop being that dream. We are all wanderers even if we seem not to leave our towns, villages, or cities very often. Every night I see all of you on a realm where we construct this very world that begs to bring forth a beauty that makes us stop.

We all run so fast, spinning wheels and getting nowhere because we were always there. Accept the new eyes being offered and perecieve this world for all the amazing things that it offers. View as it alien here on a temporary adventure/vacation and you will never grow tired of anything.

Get on the bus, boat, plane or car and let's charter a new course. Let's send this game into overtime and let's all nail that shot, the one that is impossible; accept that we nail it all the time in our dreams and this is our dream. We stop and drop into the river and ocean and go with this current but see everything pass us by as we remain in a state of serenity.

Who is The Messiah

Instead of American Idol we should have a new show called American Messiah. I think it would be fascinating who the American people would choose as their messiah and then our Messiah could go head to head with other people's messiah. We all seem to want someone to worship, but all of the people we worship are usually very vain, destrutive, or apathetic towards anything other then their careers. The more self absorb they are the more we seem to admire them. Maybe we should pick a half way decent messiah and maybe somebody will start to ponder and with that pondering a change would take place. That change would spread and all of sudden people would not be held in bondage by religion but feel relief and true freedom instead as we probably intended.

Most religious people I have come across are so in their heads they miss the point of everything that they spout from their own mouths. If we transcend thought then we start to realize the oneness of everything. Wake Up Wake up wake up and I will do the same and we might realize that we are all sleeping messiahs. I do believe everyone has the potential to be a messiah they just need to become aware of themselves and the world that we are currently emeshed in. Somehow the sane people are crazy and the crazy people are at very the least more sincere. So if the messiah is reading this which I am sure that they are wake up to who you are and I'll do the same and maybe we could bring some people back from the dead and perhaps they already have come back.

This idea of a messiah intrigues many people and they talk about a messiah complex, but really a few more messiahs in the mix would be an awesome thing. I am in Boulder and then I am going to Burning Man and I will keep on the look out for a messiah and if you find a good one notify me. I was recently part of a project and they were looking for a messiah they actually chose me and another guy, but I am still looking for clues as to where this mysterious messiah may rest. I feel that we are so close and once all the illusions fade away they will make their presence known. Long live the American Messiah and long live alll messiahs for that fact.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

A little Something

Somehow in life we are inspired by people that we never knew or met or are inspired by people we never even existed. I just get out there becasue it is the only thing that makes sense to me. I won't let anyone especially myself box me into what I have to do or where I have to be. I have a cosmic wave that I am riding and with that wave comes change and change is the basis of life. Of course you probably know this now live it. All things change so that new things can come about. I am currently in Boulder Colorado listening to Radiohead and taking a moment to just write.

It does not matter what you write about as long as you mean what you say in that moment of course moments change and people are nervous about their next move when everything is in doubt. I get pulled to places and people and I arrive at moment just before major change. I learn from each encounter. I have found a peace inside of myself in every place that I venture to and something there for me to realize. There is a waking up taking place and it will change everything that we know even now. This change is taking place and we are all part of this massive change. We are all maigcal if we open ourselves up and not try to shut down and numb ourselves. It is okay to cry and be sad these are emotions that have to be processed, There is nothing wrong with being scared, but you just push forward and follow your intution. Either play it safe or go all out don't just sit in the middle.

I want to reach out and grab everyone of you and know that all encounters help us to become more aware if we allow ourselves to experience this awareness. We are all rolling stones and thru that movement we create networks of energy that bring about a new way. The old model wiill not work so start creating new ones. We can not sustain ourselves unless we start to inwardly reflect and slow down. A little something is all we need to change everything. A little something exists inside of us and does not need to be sought externally.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

The Coolest Hipster Ever

The Stock Market Will Crash

I know this is really weird thing to blog about, but I can't help it. I was meditating and I got this strong feeling that the Dow Jones and the rest of the market was going to a major turn towards the downside in the next 6-12 months and continue downward for a while. I am sure some expert out there might think the same thing, but my opinion is merely based on a feeling. I would say there would be a 40-45% correction within 2 years time or less. I would put my money if I had any in precious metals, overseas markets and real estate (when paper is not worth anything land still has value).

Someday somebody will find this and say holy shit and it will have slipped my mind that I even wrote this, but we are due for so major changes in this world and the stock market crashing will be an outward indicator of this change. We are a very over extended nation and we need to collectively self reflect a bit more and see what really matters and what we need and what we don't need. A stock market crash will certainly trigger that for many people. I recommend that you meditate on this idea and see what comes thru for you, but this is what I got while meditating yesterday.

much love and evolution,

Saturday, August 12, 2006

It's All Smiley's Fault (and maybe Doctor Jones as well)

I think it is about time like every good politician that I blame everything on someone else who may or may not be real. His name is Smiley and "He Hates All Mass Media". Or at least he has yelled this phrase a couple of times while extremely drunk and maybe sober. If it was not for him I would be a stockbroker/investment banker with short hair living the life that was more expected of me (think wall street but taller).

But one day in LBI on a beach pier nearby a police station he yelled down to me "Hey you want to start a revolution". Without missing a beat I replied "Heell to the yeah" or maybe just "Hell yeah" time has faded my memory on exactly what my response was. This is the moment that everyone can look back on and say it was all his fault. I am not upset about all the craziness that has ensued and will continue to ensue, but I just wanted to take this time to tell you it was all Smiley's fault and perhaps a man who goes by Doctor Jones (who is not actully a doctor, but he does have lots of patience) who was involved in more ways then I could even begin to imagine. I feel that they had scoped me out for years without my knowledge. They knew what I was capable of and decided without my knowing that I would be the one. They knew that I could not resist such an offer. The offer of a lifetime (the one that Castro had given to Che back in the day) to bring about a revolution at a point in society where most people had given up on such an idea or merely viewed it as fantasy.

They knew that I was indeed naive enough and crazy enough to attempt this revolution and so it was decided in mid-August of 2000 without my knowledge that I would start this revolution.
I am truly thankful that I was chosen by the powers that be to start this revolution and have no regrets, but when it all goes down and they are looking for clues on how all this took place I suggest talking to Smiley and Doctor Jones, assuming they actually exist and people around me have not just be humoring me about their existence for the last six years. Sometimes I wonder if I might be living in some sort of fight club world (without the violence or operation mayhem) with the same idea of breaking down the system in ways that nobody; and I mean nobdy saw coming with the exception of Smiley and Doctor Jones.

Whether they are real or not does not matter, but when you want someone to blame for me going so far off the deep end blame them, but I will still always thank both of them from the bottom of my heart. When a revolution came knocking I couldn't resist. Could you?

It's All Smiley's Fault (and maybe Doctor Jones as well)

I think it is about time like every good politician that I blame everything on someone else who may or may not be real. His name is Smiley and "He Hates All Mass Media". Or at least he has yelled this phrase a couple of times while extremely drunk and maybe sober. If it was not for him I would be a stockbroker/investment banker with short hair living the life that was more expected of me (think wall street but taller).

But one day in LBI on a beach pier nearby a police station he yelled down to me "Hey you want to start a revolution". Without missing a beat I replied "Heell to the yeah" or maybe just "Hell yeah" time has faded my memory on exactly what my response was. This is the moment that everyone can look back on and say it was all his fault. I am not upset about all the craziness that has ensued and will continue to ensue, but I just wanted to take this time to tell you it was all Smiley's fault and perhaps a man who goes by Doctor Jones (who is not actully a doctor, but he does have lots of patience) who was involved in more ways then I could even begin to imagine. I feel that they had scoped me out for years without my knowledge. They knew what I was capable of and decided without my knowing that I would be the one. They knew that I could not resist such an offer. The offer of a lifetime (the one that Castro had given to Che back in the day) to bring about a revolution at a point in society where most people had given up on such an idea or merely viewed it as fantasy.

They knew that I was indeed naive enough and crazy enough to attempt this revolution and so it was decided in mid-August of 2000 without my knowledge that I would start this revolution.
I am truly thankful that I was chosen by the powers that be to start this revolution and have no regrets, but when it all goes down and they are looking for clues on how all this took place I suggest talking to Smiley and Doctor Jones, assuming they actually exist and people around me have not just be humoring me about their existence for the last six years. Sometimes I wonder if I might be living in some sort of fight club world (without the violence or operation mayhem) with the same idea of breaking down the system in ways that nobody; and I mean nobdy saw coming with the exception of Smiley and Doctor Jones.

Whether they are real or not does not matter, but when you want someone to blame for me going so far off the deep end blame them, but I will still always thank both of them from the bottom of my heart. When a revolution came knocking I couldn't resist. Could you?

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Someone In Iran Inspired This One

Recently I was looking thru the ticker on my blog which tells me where people are reading my blog from and I was shocked an estatic to see that someone from Iran was looking at my blog. I could only begin to imagine who that would be and I just want you to know I hope to do something about changing the foreign policies of this country and move them more in the direction of peace.

I am just wanderer in country where people can't seem to let themselves wander just because they desire to wander. Not all who wander are aimless is the famous quote and not all who are aimless wander. Some of them seem content not to explore, but I desire to explore and remember my many lives past. Recently I have not been fired up to write, but knowing that was reaching someone all the way in Iran made me realize the one amazing benefit of something like the internet.

I am currently in Chicago and the only somewhat certain plans I have is to make it to Burning Man and meet some amazing adventurers and people that tip the scales. This revolution starts deep inside of our core and continues to spread as we all ourselves to pause our minds and increase our awareness. I am aware of you and you are now aware of me. I want peace and I will find inside of myself and make it thru all the doubt and fear to get there because the peace has to come from within if it is to be lasting.
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